Tori and Shayla had their usual netball game on Saturday. THEY WON!!!! I think the final score was 19 - 13, something like that. They were in front by 2 at the end of the first quarter, and the second quarter the team was fantastic and were in front by about 6. Then the third quarter the coach put someone in to centre position that had been off for 8 weeks with a broken arm. She came back last week, but there was no way she was fit enough to play centre for a third quarter. She was already tired from the first 2 quarters! So the team ended up being only 1 goal in front at the end of the third quarter, and they played shocking. The fourth quarter they picked back up and managed to jump ahead a bit again. This is the last time I will let Tori play in a team where the coach's daughter is on the team. It just doesn't work.
After netball Tori and I took Curtis to the vet. He had been limping for a couple of weeks, although I couldn't find anything wrong. By Friday though, he wouldn't walk on it at all, and the pad on the sore foot looked like he had been chewing it. Anyway $45 later, the vet said the chewed pad is actually healing and it is all new pad coming through, it won't be hurting him at all. He did feel something in his creushin ligament (no idea how to spell that!) but it wasn't very bad. He said large dogs can go lame from the same problem, but small dogs can handle it and will use the leg again. Something like that, anyway. So nothing to worry about, just go back in a couple of months if he is still limping or if he starts to whimper. The vet was really being quite rough with his leg and he hardly took any notice. So all good!
After we got home from the vet, I started another vegie garden. I had got Brody and his mates to move some sleepers for me last weekend, to set it up. I laid newspaper and cardboard down first. I had some rakings in a pile, that was all dead so I laid that down next. There was a little bit of straw left over from my last garden and I put that down as well. It had just been sitting at the end of my other vegie bed, and you should have seen the worms through it. OMG, heaps. Then I shoveled soil from the original chicken spot, and put that in the bed. Again, literally hundreds of worms. These vegies are going to be fantastic! The bed is not quite full, so will try and finish it off during the week. Planted some potatoes in a tyre. Will have to dig around and get some out though and put them in the new bed, as I think I have too many for just a tyre.
Sat night was an early one, as I was so tired!!
Sunday morning Tori and I went into the Midland Growers Market to get some fruit and vegies. Cauliflowers were $4.50, but I did manage to pick out a nice big healthy one. I will make a cauli mornay and maybe a soup for work. So it is not too bad. Some lovely strawberries and apples.
Then Tori, Shayla and I went caught the train into Harbour Town with Tracey, Tyla, Ben and their Japanese exchange student Yuka (not sure of the spelling). I didn't manage to find anything I wanted, but Tori and Shayla both bought one top each. We didn't make it all the way around when everyone was ready to go though.
Back home to a glass of red and the Eagles and Dockers game. Watched bits of it next door. Poor old Eagles lost again. But it was good for Sean McManus who played his last game for the Dockers.
So that was the weekend, and now it is Monday morning, another week starting. Pay week this week though, that is always good!!
Leaving you with a couple of old photos, because photos make a blog look interesting :) I took these in Febuary, obviously my vegie garden. Not looking quite so healthy at the moment. It was beautiful back then!
