Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Birthday to me.....

for yesterday :)

Went to work in the morning, and then had an appointment at a dermatologist. Made it about 6 weeks ago, and yesterday was the first opening they had.

He gave me a script for some cream for my nose and lip, said they had sun damage. Surprise, surprise! He measured a mole on my stomach and I have to go back in 6 months to get that checked again. But everywhere else, all okay.

Popped in to see Tracey and had coffee and pasta. Poor thing, she had had an injection for a migraine, but was getting better. She gave me this beautiful quilt that she made....the photo just does not do it justice......

Decided to call out to Todds Auctions to see what was coming up in the next auction and spotted 4 bar stools. He let me bring one home to see how the size went, Brody was just getting home then, so we picked up Jemma from work and went back to Todds and I bought all 4, for $25 each. They are Ikea ones, like this....plan to spray paint the chrome bits white, and the back and seat match my flooring, may cover them later with something fresh and florally, maybe.

Shit....they only cost $29.95 each brand new. Oh well, mine do look brand new....but still.....well, I have saved a trip to Ikea...I guess....

Then Kristy and Tahnee and Bub and Shayla and Willow all came over to wish me Happy Birthday. Got a lovely photo frame, white towels, napkins and earrings!

House all quiet again by about 8pm.....I had a lovely day :)


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mandarin jam....

Last night I made up some mandarin jam. We have a tree at work, very neglected little thing it is, but heaps of fruit. No one at work seems that fussed in picking them, they are rather I thought they would be perfect for jam.

This is the recipe I followed:

1kg mandarins
500 - 600 gms sugar
juice of 2 lemons

Zest 2-3 of the mandarins (mine were small, so I probably zested 5). You need a good tablespoon.

Peel the rest of the fruit. Throw all into a blender and process to a puree. Mine wasn't really smooth.

Add puree, sugar and juice to saucepan and bring to boil over medium heat. Then reduce heat. Simmer approx. 30mins until jam sets. Mine was definately longer.

At this point I thought I didn't have a real lot, as I wanted to take in a jar to everyone at work, so I sliced up another 6 mandarins, skin and all, and threw in.

Simmered some more.

To test, I put a plate in the freezer for a couple of minutes, removed and put a teaspoon of jam on it. When it had cooled I ran my finger through. If it holds, then it is supposed to be ready. Mine wasn't quite, so cooked some more.

I rinsed out my jars (already clean) and placed in a warm oven. Then when I took them out of the oven I filled with hot jam!


Will take in 3 jars to work today and pick some more mandarins to make some more for myself!!

I have seen recipes online, that don't peel the mandarins. So next time I will try that, just to save a bit of time.


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