Now Ron....don't fall over.....I'm doing a quick kitchen update :)

This was the kitchen 2 weeks ago.....I had put all of the cabinets together and the base cabinets were put in position.
Then the cabinetmakers built the benches and then came in and in one day installed all of the cabinets and benches. I had bought an overhead cupboard to go above the fridge, it was only 700mm and the cavity was 800mm so I bought a filler also from Ikea. The cabinetmakers did a SHOCKING job of doing the filler and the little wall they put up at the end of the bench next to the fridge was on a lean!!. So I called them back in and told them to fix it. They spent another couple of hours and now it is much better. They ended up making a little cabinet to go over the fridge ( I am planning to put cook books in there). Then they told me that none of the appliances would fit in! I rang the electrical shop I bought them from and he told me tough luck, no refund or swap! He said he would look at what else I could buy that was smaller. Over a week later and I still haven't heard from them, and I have rung a couple of times. So don't anyone ever go to Best Buy Electrical in Midland!! Obviously only interested in a sale and that is it!!
I spent ages trying to find more appliances that were a couple of cm's smaller. Ended up ringing Ikea, deciding to buy theirs, they would obviously fit! and guess what.....they were all sold out....and no idea when new stock would this time I am nearly in tears!!
I asked Ikea for a list of tradies that install their kitchens on Friday, rang one who happened to be working up the hill that day and he said he would call in to look at it all on his way home. One hour later, and EVERYTHING was installed. He did the cutout on the bench and installed the cooktop..... took down the fan cabinet, made a few adjustments and put the slideout rangehood in and back up on the wall.....replaced some bulky screws with flat screws and did a couple of cutouts and put the oven in!!! Wooo Hooo!! All in! So....fantastic cabinetmakers huh? Just couldn't think outside of the square!
So now nearly everything is in drawers and cupboards, looking gooooooood!!
Have to ring the electrician and the plumber Mon morning, to organise them to come and finish off, hopefully during the week, and then the tiler.
So this is what it looked like this afternoon, while I was organising kitchen stuff ....
And inside......
Of course, still work to do, but you get the idea :)
Now my laundry is back to being laundry and not laundry/kitchen, and my dining room is back to being just a dining room.
Now if I could just get Brody out into the shed, and my craft room done and 2 bathrooms done, and the inside of the house painted, and new floor coverings for 2 rooms, and the spa fixed and .......and if I could just win Lotto :) ha ha!!
1 comment:
Finally it is all starting to take shape,and it is looking great.Really pleased for you.Do you remember how to cook? LOts of love from N.Z.
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