Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday morning...

Sorry I didn't type during the week...two reasons - Nothing to say, and I was too tired!

Weekend roundup -

Tori and Shayla won their netball game. At half time the score was 18 - 3. We didn't find out the score at the end of the game but the difference was probably something similar. They played the team that both the girls were on last year. Some of the girls have really improved, it was really good to see. Both girls played well.

Tori's friend Beck slept over on the Friday night, so she came to netball as well. On the way, I called into Tracey's as she was babysitting the twins. We picked them up and took them to netball as well. It was good to see them, as we don't really anymore.

After netball I dropped the twins off to have a play with Willow and took Tori and Beck home to Beck's house. Tori was staying the night there.

Then I drove up to Elizabeth, my old interior designer boss. Had to fix up some super stuff that had mistakenly been sent to me and had a lovely afternoon tea. Max's vegie garden looks good, but he is losing some of the vegies to possums or something.

A quiet Sat night at home, with Brody (surprise, surprise) and Bub and Jay. Brody actually had a bit of conjunctivitis, so he was laying low really. It's heaps better now though after some drops.

Sun morning, Bub and I went to a couple of garage sales - she managed to buy a Body Book for the kids and a car CD player that you plug into the cigarette lighter. That's all we got! Don't know if that is good or bad :) Last thing Jay said before we went was "Don't buy any crap!" As if!!

Called into an old italian (maybe) couples house up the road and bought a couple of vegies. They have a huge plot behind and next to their house. Used to go there all the time, and just sorta stopped. But now that I am not going back to the Midland Markets, will go back to them. She went and picked some spinach for Bub, so she was impressed!

After Tori got dropped off, we went to Sizzlers for a late lunch. Not too bad, but I think I overate :)

Cleaned out the chook house when I got home, and played catch with the dog, and that was it for the weekend.

Did go around with the camera to take a couple of photos to leave you with....every post needs photos!



Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading the stories each week. Looks like the girls will be in the state netball team soon. What's the first photo, the roof of the carport?
Will tune in again next week,cheers

Anonymous said...

I hope that is a joke - the commend about the roof of the carport!! It is a very artistic shot of a creative spiderweb out the back patio :) It did look better in real life :)

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