Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tori's school report...

On Friday Tori came home with her school report for the first half of the year. She got an A in dance, B's for English, Math, Music, Health, Phys Ed and Technology & Enterprise. She got C's for Science, Society & Environment and Art. Her teacher wrote the following:

Tori has continued to be an exemplary student. She is respectful, polite and well mannered and she has a highly developed sense of responsibility. She has been an excellent faction captain carrying out all her extra duties in a responsible and reliable manner. It has been important to her to be a good role model and she has achieved this by being a caring class member, a conscientious and commited faction captain and a fully involoved member of the school community.

She is a very focused and motivated sutdent who has demonstrated the ability to set goals for herself and achieve them. Tori is an independent learner and a very cooperative team member. She applies herself fully to her tasks and takes pride in all she does.

She is very conscientious and she strives to do her best in all she undertakes. She has maintained excellent standards in the presentation of her written work and her dedication to achieving high standards is evident in the excellent homework routine she follows. She has a highly developed sense of right and wrong and she constantly shows positive values.

Well done Tori.

I am very, very proud of her. She has always loved school and is doing so well :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi from N.Z what a great report Tori. Well done.Must take after her nanny.

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